Geocaching company in Helsinki, 8-13 July
Lähetetty: Ti 26.06.2012 19:49
Frankfurtilainen kätköilijä LaSabelotoda toivoo saavansa kätköilyseuraa Helsingistä 8.-13.7. välisenä aikana. Yhteydenotot (luonnollisesti englanniksi tai saksaksi) onnistuvat meilitse: c.papenheim(at) Voit toki postata tänne suomeksikin, käännän tiivistelmät Christinelle erikseen.
LaSabelotoda, a geocacher from Frankfurt is looking for geocaching company in Helsinki in early July. Please contact her by email either in English or in German at c.papenheim(at) Alternatively, you may post your proposals here and I'll inform Christine separately.
LaSabelotoda, a geocacher from Frankfurt is looking for geocaching company in Helsinki in early July. Please contact her by email either in English or in German at c.papenheim(at) Alternatively, you may post your proposals here and I'll inform Christine separately.