Bookmark list URL format has changed

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Viestit: 23
Liittynyt: Ma 02.02.2015 20:55
Paikkakunta: Espoo

Bookmark list URL format has changed

Viesti Kirjoittaja kyrasantae » Su 09.04.2017 15:12

I want to add a new bookmark list to the map here but I saw that there isn't a GUID blob in the list IDs anymore. Instead there is a "BM" code. For example, ( ... de=BM2M6YE). So I can't add it. Can this be changed so that it works?

Viestit: 173
Liittynyt: To 02.07.2009 8:56

Re: Bookmark list URL format has changed

Viesti Kirjoittaja juhanili » Su 09.04.2017 17:32

kyrasantae kirjoitti:I want to add a new bookmark list to the map here but I saw that there isn't a GUID blob in the list IDs anymore. Instead there is a "BM" code. For example, ( ... de=BM2M6YE). So I can't add it. Can this be changed so that it works?
You can also change to the old style bookmark list by clicking "back to the old page" or choosing directly

There you can still find the old style guid URL's. But probably that old page won't be there forever, so haksu10 should change that feature in "Omakartta" page at some point.

Viestit: 23
Liittynyt: Ma 02.02.2015 20:55
Paikkakunta: Espoo

Re: Bookmark list URL format has changed

Viesti Kirjoittaja kyrasantae » Su 09.04.2017 17:34

Aha! Thanks. There's a lot of new version/old version stuff on

Viestit: 3084
Liittynyt: Ke 20.12.2006 19:22
Paikkakunta: Karkku (Sastamala)

Re: Bookmark list URL format has changed

Viesti Kirjoittaja haksu10 » Su 09.04.2017 22:06

juhanili kirjoitti:
kyrasantae kirjoitti:I want to add a new bookmark list to the map here but I saw that there isn't a GUID blob in the list IDs anymore. Instead there is a "BM" code. For example, ( ... de=BM2M6YE). So I can't add it. Can this be changed so that it works?
You can also change to the old style bookmark list by clicking "back to the old page" or choosing directly

There you can still find the old style guid URL's. But probably that old page won't be there forever, so haksu10 should change that feature in "Omakartta" page at some point.
Sorry my poor english...

I check API-connection describes the service operations, but unfortunately API does not support BM -code, only GUID is allowed.

I also try change Guid to Code in API functions, but i don't found hidden feature for this.

Maybe some day make API changes... hopefully.
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