Pitäisikö tuon .img loppuisen tiedoston toimia myös cgeon kanssa ?
Kokeilin , mutta en saa edellenkään mitään näkymään cgeossa. Vai onko tarkoitettu vain garminin gepsiin?
cgeon FAQ-sivuilla offline kartoille on alla oleva ohje.
-Ohjeen mukaisesti tallensin kartan muistikortille kartat nimiseen hakemistoon.
-Tämän jälkeen määritin offline karttojen hakemistoksi saman kartat hakemiston (settings->map->directory with offline maps)
-kuitenkaan select map source valikossa ei näy mahdollisiksi kartoiksi kuin google: map, google: satellite, OSM: mapnik ja OSM: cyclemap valinnat, pitäisi ilmeisesti näkyä myös OSM:Offline valinta ?
How to use an OSM:Offline map ?
Once you downloaded or created a map, store it into a folder (e.g. /mfmaps) on your device or SD-card. You can also store mulitple maps (e.g. for several countries) into this folder to have easy access later directly from c:geo.
If you are additionally using Locus it is useful to store the maps in /Locus/mapsVector to have them accessible for Locus as well as for c:geo.
Afterwards go to the c:geo settings page in the section "Map Sources" and either enter the directory where the maps are located manually or simply press the "..." button to start a scan for map files and select one of them.
In order for c:geo to use the selected map you have to activate OSM:Offline in the dropdown menu located above the directory settings. You can change this setting also directly from live map.
If you now access any map functionality (live map, cache map,etc.) the offline file will be used.
You can quickly switch between different offline maps or switch back to online maps using "Menu"->"Map view" while in a map.