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Re: Epämiellyttävä kokemus

Lähetetty: Ke 16.01.2008 15:10
Kirjoittaja lpohjala
Keltainen kortti!

Pysytään alkuperäisessä aiheessa. Muuten ketju on pakko sulkea. Unohdetaan teurastamiset, silpomiset yms. Alkuperäinen kysymys oli, että mitä tehdä kun aggressiivinen koira lähestyy.

Alla englanninkieliset ohjeet miten toimia. Napattu jostain yleiseltä koirasivustolta.

What To Do If You Encounter a Seemingly Aggressive Dog:

1. Stand still. If you keep approaching, the dog will interpret this as an attack
2. Don't make eye contact. This is a challenge to the dog
3. Don't smile. The dog thinks you are "baring your teeth" at him. This is an invitation to fight.
4. Wait for the dog's owner to come and restrain the dog
5. Respect the dog's wishes! If the dog is barking and growling, he is expressing his definite displeasure with your actions. Don't push the envelope. Most dogs make good on their warnings!

What To Do If You Are Attacked by a Dog:

1. Don't move! You cannot outrun a dog, no matter how fast you are. Running only provokes an angry dog.
2. Look away. Staring an aggressive dog in the eyes is a challenge.
3. Use a soft, soothing tone of voice. Loud, angry-sounding words and screaming only spur on the dog.
4. Keep your arms to your side, with your fingers curled in so the dog can't bite them.
5. If he bites you, DO NOT PULL AWAY. This only spurs the dog on. Remain calm. Try to ram a stick, broom handle, etc down the dog's throat to make him gag and let you go. Don't hit the dog. Again, that just makes the situation worse.
6. If you are on the ground, curl into a fetal position. Cover your head and neck. Lay perfectly still. Usually a still target is boring to the dog and they will retreat.

Re: Epämiellyttävä kokemus

Lähetetty: Pe 18.01.2008 23:33
Kirjoittaja ilkant
lpohjala kirjoitti:Pysytään alkuperäisessä aiheessa. Muuten ketju on pakko sulkea.
Keskustelun voi jakaa aiheenmukaisiksi ketjuiksi. Keskustelu voi jatkua kummassakin niissä erikseen. :)