SunGear visitors from Germany + Pub?

Yleistä keskustelua kätköilystä
Viestit: 25
Liittynyt: Su 03.01.2010 13:48

SunGear visitors from Germany + Pub?

Viesti Kirjoittaja kalle » Ma 28.03.2011 20:29

Saksasta kyselivät kätköilyseuraa pääsiäisen tietämillä sekä sopivaa jatkopubia hyvän kätköilypäivän päätteeksi. Olisiko ehdotuksia Pubiksi sekä seuraksi muinaskätköilijöille? Itse en ole ihan varma olenko maisemissa noina päivinä joten jos saksa tai englanti taipuu niin tässä olisi uusia tuttua Saksasta.

Mitäs sanotte ja olisiko muita innokkaita?
--- snip ---
Hi Kalle,
my husband (tasdevil13) and I are planning to fly to Helsinki over the Easter holidays. We're on a hunt for very old caches and are planning to find your Sun Gear GC.
Question: Is it possible to get there with public transportation or taxi or would it be better to hire a rental car.
We think about getting there first thing after our arrival at the airport around noon on April 22nd.
An alternative might be to find someone from the local GC community who hasn't been there and might want to join us and give us a lift.
Would be great if you could send us as many hints/connections, etc. since this cache is really iportant to us.
We're also planning on organising a GC event somewhere in a nice pub in Helsinki. It would be wonderful if we could meet there.
Thanks and kind regards from Germany
Sabine aka taswombat13
User's Profile:

Hi Sabine,
and thanks for your message. It is very nice to hear that you are interested to find Sungear aka GC72.
Getting there from airport easily with public transport IMHO is somehow tricky. Taxi probably would do but would cost some 50-60 to get there and some more to get out. Renting car would work if you would need it for other caches otherwise it sounds like overkill.

One option is exactly the one you suggest to get someone pick you up who is going there too. I am not sure about my whereabouts yet on that date, but if I am around I am happy to pick you up too. Unfortunately easter holidays may take our family elsewhere on that date. Will let you know.

Meanwhile I can post your notice to the local very active site unless you want to do it yourself. Site is in Finnish so it might be bit tricky for you. I am happy to help you with that. I am sure you will get help from there too in order to get to the cache as well as arraning the meet.

Idea of the pubmeet is fun too and will join you with my wife if we are around here.

One month from now is still early spring here and forest may be quite wet from melting snow at that time. Most likely cache itself is already available but terrain can be very wet in some places. Cache itself is easy to find but terrain in spring can be demanding. Direct route is not nesessarily the best one. There are paths in the woods that should make getting there easier than direct route.

Kind regards


Good morning Kalle,

Thank you very much for your quick reply and please apologize for my belated one, but my husband was on a business trip for the entire week and we had no time to talk it over.

I think publishing our cache adventure on the local Geocaching site might be a good idea and we'd be grateful for that. We did the same in Stockholm and found some people who were willing to accompany us - one lady gave us a lift to a very remote cache and another guy accompanied us to some nice places coverd in deep snow and brought along a big shovel.

It would also be very kind of you to suggest a few nice pubs in Helsinki where we could organize our cache event.

Thank you very much for your support and have a good Sunday. It's beautiful and sunny today and we're looking forward for a nice caching round in a forest close to Munich.

Kind regards


--- snap ---

Viestit: 613
Liittynyt: Pe 02.11.2007 0:25
Paikkakunta: Vantaa

Re: SunGear visitors from Germany + Pub?

Viesti Kirjoittaja stebu » Ke 06.04.2011 0:54

Somehow rumours about my great organising skills have leaked to Germany (virtleaks? :lol: )
The Tasmanians have contacted me and I (again) suggested Vltava for the meeting place.
If the locals have a better suggestion, please, let us know.

Viestit: 741
Liittynyt: Ma 05.10.2009 21:29

Re: SunGear visitors from Germany + Pub?

Viesti Kirjoittaja Tilhet » Ke 06.04.2011 2:37

Being a member of a geocaching group consisting of singing little birds, I must say that none of us had anything to do with the leaking. Nevertheless, the first thoughts that came to my mind while reading the original posting were 'stebu' and 'Vltava' :) As was suggested, I was hardly the first nor the only one of the usual suspects, to get such an idea.

Waxwings Sr.

Vastaa Viestiin

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