BBC / Geocaching: the unintended results
Summasummarum, joku poloinen kätköilijä oli ollut hakemassa purkkia ja "hämäräperäinen liikehdintä" oli pistänyt kotipoliisin painamaan paniikkinappulaa. Tulos: armeijan pommiryhmä paikalle, kätkö räjäytykseen ja kätköilijä putkaan. <- kohun aiheuttanut purkki
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( ... 7d840414a0 )July 2 by kingqueen (16 found)
I was the cache owner. As soon as I became aware of the suspect package alert, I phoned the police to identify myself as the owner and the cache as innocuous.
Today the police came to visit me. I have got off lightly but less so than the poor Geocacher who visited the cache yesterday and was arrested. When I asked as to his fate, the policeman said it would be wrong to tell me what had happened to him but that he had been dealt with without going to court, but it would likely affect his future career. Read into that what you will.
This was the first that this particular set of police had heard of geocaching.
The police also got me to show all other geocaches in the area. They then instructed me to pass on the following message to everybody in the area with caches on or near the A1:
"Sergeant Bilton - The device in Wetherby caused massive disruption for a period of about 4 hours. An estimated emergency services bill is around £35,000, not including loss of revenue for businesses who had to shut for most of the day. I can see from the website there are several next to or close to the A1. These need to be removed ASAP. If you wish to discuss it with me by all means please contact me at Wetherby police station on 0113 2855374."
I am terribly upset at the disruption and ramifications my cache has caused. I'm upset on many levels: the stress caused to locals, the use of resources, the effect on local businesses etc. and on the caching community.
I would ask those who know my identity please treat it as confidential to avoid potential repercussions should the local media identify me as being responsible for the whole thing.