TARKASTAJAT: Mega-Event ikoni Suurelta Sammakolta

Viestit: 741
Liittynyt: Ma 05.10.2009 21:29

TARKASTAJAT: Mega-Event ikoni Suurelta Sammakolta

Viesti Kirjoittaja Tilhet » To 07.10.2010 15:20

Hyvät kätkötarkastajat,

(Edit: klo 0.05 kirjeluonnoksen kieli on tarkistettu!)

Suuren Tampere-tapahtuman markkinointi olisi varsinkin ulkomaille erittäin vaikeaa, jos kätkölistaus voitaisiin julkaista vain 6 kk ennen itse tapahtumaa. Jotta listaus voitaisiin julkaista vielä tämän vuoden puolella, mielellään ennen marraskuun puoliväliä, eventti tarvitsee käsittääkseni mega-luokituksen etukäteen.

GC.comin "Mega-Event Classificationin" perusteella vaikuttaa vahvasti siltä, että ensikertalaisen on työlästä saada statusta etukäteen. Siksi olisi mielestäni erittäin suureksi eduksi, jos yhteyden pääkonttoriin ottaisi joku teistä eikä esim. meikäläinen.

Alla on nopeasti kirjoitettu luonnos hakemuskirjeeksi, jota voi muokata ja hyödyntää. Gandal491 eli tapahtuman designated language reviewer on jo ehtinyt tarkistaa kirjeen kielen.

Tekstissä on joitakuita mutkia oiottu ja se on kirjoitettu "ennakoivaan" tyyliin, eli jokaisesta yksityiskohdasta ei ole vielä vahvistusta. Suomen Ladun tuominen esiin on ennenkaikkea massoista kertova pääkonttorille suunnattu täky.

Jos kalle tai ippi lukevat tätä, niin etukäteen suuri sori, kun pitää "vähätellä" teidän hienon miitin edellyttämiä järjestelyjä.

Dear friends in the Groundspeak HQ,

I am writing to you in order to request a Mega-Event status beforehand for a large geocaching event to be held in Tampere, Finland, in August 2011. It would be extremely difficult to market such a big event especially internationally if the cache listing would be published only 6 months before the event, as is the case with regular event caches.

First and foremost: The Finnish planning and executing teams, including myself, have read the section 6.5. entitled Mega-Event Classifications of the Geocaching Knowledge Book. And we certainly understand the purpose of the policy of not giving a Mega-Event status beforehand to "first-timers".

However, we sincerely hope that you could make an exception in the case of this first Mega-Event to be held in Finland. In case you will make this exception, the cache listing will be submitted for your reviewing right after we've received your positive answer. The title of the cache is "Mega Finland 2011: Geocaching in Tampere, 12 to 14 August".

As a first reference I point out a relatively modest and simple half-day event which was recently organized in Kerava, a small Finnish city:

The SunGear turns 10 -event (GC2DJ8F) was attended by 448 people and the crowd consisted almost solely of Finnish geocachers.

The larger international event will be held in Tampere, the center city of a region of almost 500.000 inhabitants. It will definitely be attended by a far larger number of people than the SunGear event. Tampere is a very active city in Finnish geocaching, as well. There are more than 1000 active geocaches within a radius of twenty miles. For more information concerning the city, please visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tampere.

The responsible organization taking care of the event is Geoliikkujat ry., which is a registered association. Therefore it will provide all the necessary economic and judicial background. Geoliikkujat is a member organization of Suomen Latu, the Central Association for Recreational Sports and Outdoor Activities in Finland with more than 75 000 members. The event cache itself will be published under the nick GeoEvent Finland. Probably the Geoliikkujat association will in the near future adopt the nick's name as it is more convenient to be used in international correspondence.

We have already booked a whole camping area with more than one hundred cabins for up to five people each and a medium-sized summer hostel. The Härmälä camping area is situated within walking distance from the heart of the city. Additionally, we have booked rooms for a few hundred people in other locations.

We have also booked all the necessary premises needed for e.g. company and product presentation at the University of Tampere. In addition to the mentioned organizations we'll be cooperating with the major student unions in the Tampere neighborhood as well as with the City of Tampere itself.

Because of all the bookings and reservations we've already made, the dates of the event are firmly settled: from Friday August 12 to Sunday 14, 2011. As was mentioned at the beginning of this request, it would be very difficult to market such an event if the cache listing would be published only half a year before it takes place. Such a short notice would make it near-to impossible for many international cachers to take advantage of this great opportunity and join the Nordic adventure.

The official language of the Mega-Event in Tampere will be English but the essential information will be provided also in Swedish in addition to numerous foreign languages, such as Estonian, Russian and German.

There is also another perspective from which the future of Mega-Events in Finland seem to contradict a bit with the "not for first-timers" policy of Groundspeak. It has been planned that the second annual Mega-Event in Finland will not be organized in Tampere, but rather in another major city with lots of geocaching activities. Therefore all these upcoming events in the near future will be in some senses "first-timers", regardless of the facts that the organizing nick and the association would remain the same and the events would all for sure be attended by far more than 500 people.

As far as the organizing teams are considered, both the Administrative Team and the Executing Team consist mainly of volunteers. Many of us have, however, considerable experience in organizing large international and national business conferences, academic events, and so on.

Hopefully you will take our request into serious consideration and we will soon be celebrating the first Mega-Event Status given to Finland. Please let me know, if you want more information concerning the organizing teams or the program of the event. We'll be more than happy to provide you all the information and assurances you'll need in your decision-making.

On behalf of the organizing teams as well as all the other volunteers I wish you warmly welcomed to Tampere next August! We are all looking forward to meet many Groundspeak people.

With my best regards,

Viestit: 186
Liittynyt: Pe 25.07.2008 14:39

Re: TARKASTAJAT: Mega-Event ikoni Suurelta Sammakolta

Viesti Kirjoittaja Harjus » Pe 15.10.2010 9:25


Pistin eilen mailin suoraan Jeremylle ja sain tänään vastauksena, että ehdottomasti ovat apuna, että saamme Mega-eventin Tampereelle. Jeremyhän on käynyt Tampereella, joten tietää noin suurinpiirtein millanen kaupunki kyseessä. Elikkäs Tilhet vaan alkaa tehdä kuvausta valmiiksi niin saadaan Groundspeakin kaverin kanssa se online ja Mega-event-ikonilla heti alkuun (kait). Jeremy toivoo myös, että saisivat Groundspeakilta jonkun/joitakin kavereita mukaan eventiin.


Viestit: 741
Liittynyt: Ma 05.10.2009 21:29

Re: TARKASTAJAT: Mega-Event ikoni Suurelta Sammakolta

Viesti Kirjoittaja Tilhet » Pe 15.10.2010 10:35

Ylivoimaisen vaikeaksi oletettu HQ-vaihe menikin näin. Aivan mahtavaa ja kiitos Harjukselle!

Alla on yleisesti kommentoitavaksi luonnos kuvaustekstistä. Gandal ei ole sitä vielä tarkistanut kielen osalta. Tekstistä viitatut muut majoitukset ovat Tampereen alueen hostelleja.

martsan kanssa on sovittu, että he huolehtivat kätkösivun suunnittelusta ja koodauksesta.

Tämä on siis muodoltaan lähinnä mainos ja kutsu, jossa annetaan vain välttämätön informaatio. Omasta mielestäni juuri näin pitääkin olla, koska itse listaus on "sisäänheittotuote", joka johdattaa perehtymään tapahtuman oman sivuston antimiin.

MEGA Finland 2011:
Geocaching in Tampere, 12 to 14 August

The first mega-sized geocaching event ever organised in Finland will be held in Tampere next summer. Geocachers and their families and friends from all over the world are warmly welcomed to join this extraordinary Nordic adventure!

Tampere is a city of more than 210 000 inhabitants and it is famous for its industrial background and milieu, high education and an atmosphere, where the vivacity of cultural attractions and businesses meets the cosyness of students' lifestyle.

Tampere is also famous for its geocaching activities: There are hundreds of cachers to meet and more than 1000 active geocaches within a radius of 30 km!
The main venue of the event will be a unique Geocaching Village just a few kilometers off the very centre of the city. The Härmälä Camping Area is situated in a beautiful environment beside the Pyhäjärvi lake. The whole area has been booked for the Mega-Event.

In the GC Village there are more than one hundred small cabins, each of which has room from two to five guests. In addition, there is a Summer hotel with both single and double rooms. Those who are travelling with a caravan or a camper – or just with a tent – will certainly find a nice spot among the hundreds of caravan and tent spaces in the village.
The organisers have made special arrangements also with three other hotels and hostels offering resonably priced accommodation.

As a rule, all the guests should make their own reservation and all monetary transactions concerning accommodation will take place between the guests and the mentioned accommodation companies.

Mid-August is the highest tourist season in Tampere and the organisers encourage everybody to make their reservations as early as possible. For sure, the cabins and the Summer hotel in the Ceocaching village will be fully booked first.

During the Mega-Event weekend there will be a huge number of organised activities from parties to presentations and from saunas to cruises. The well-being of the youngest cachers will be especially well taken care of. Naturally, the organisers will provide the guests also with many recommended geocaching routes prepared in advance to meet different kinds of tastes and interests.

A more detailed programme as well as a website with the registration forms will be published in xxxx. The registration fee will xxxx In the meantime, please feel free to contact the organising teams through the profile link!

Although the official language of the event is English, in due course the essential information will be provided also in Finnish and Swedish in addition to numerous foreign languages, such as Estonian, German and Russian.

Once again and on behalf the great organising teams and all the volunteers: Welcome to Mega-Event in Tampere!

Viestit: 612
Liittynyt: Pe 02.11.2007 0:25
Paikkakunta: Vantaa

Re: TARKASTAJAT: Mega-Event ikoni Suurelta Sammakolta

Viesti Kirjoittaja stebu » Pe 15.10.2010 11:28

Tilhet kirjoitti: Tampere is a city of more than 210 000 inhabitants and it is famous for its industrial background and milieu, high education and an atmosphere, where the vivacity of cultural attractions and businesses meets the cosyness of students' lifestyle.
Olen vähän jäykkä muotoilemaan tekstiä, mutta äkiseltään tuosta jää mieleen sellainen savuinen, nokinen tehdasmiljöö :(
Jotenkin Treen järvet, kosket ja luonnonläheisyys pitäisi saada miljööseen mukaan.

Mutta yleisesti erittäin hienostihan tämä etenee :D
Hyvää työtä!

Viestit: 741
Liittynyt: Ma 05.10.2009 21:29

Re: TARKASTAJAT: Mega-Event ikoni Suurelta Sammakolta

Viesti Kirjoittaja Tilhet » Pe 15.10.2010 11:55

stebu kirjoitti:
Tilhet kirjoitti: Tampere is a city of more than 210 000 inhabitants and it is famous for its industrial background and milieu, high education and an atmosphere, where the vivacity of cultural attractions and businesses meets the cosyness of students' lifestyle.
Olen vähän jäykkä muotoilemaan tekstiä, mutta äkiseltään tuosta jää mieleen sellainen savuinen, nokinen tehdasmiljöö :(
Jotenkin Treen järvet, kosket ja luonnonläheisyys pitäisi saada miljööseen mukaan.

Mutta yleisesti erittäin hienostihan tämä etenee :D
Hyvää työtä!
Hyvä huomio. Luonnoksessa yritettiin vakuuttaa jenkit yms siitä, että kyllä täällä ihan kaupunki on :lol: Mutta tosiasia on, että houkuttelevampaa suurimmalle osalle turisteja on juuri stebun korostamat asiat. Mites näin:

Tampere is a city of more than 210 000 inhabitants and it is located in the middle of exceptionally beautiful natural surroundings with lakes and rapids connecting them. At the same time Tampere is also characterised by industrial background and milieu, high education and an atmosphere, where the vivacity of cultural attractions and businesses meets the cosyness of students' lifestyle. Here urban structures and layers meet the amazing Nordic nature at its best. In short, Tampere offers excellent environment for geocaching and all the other activities of the Mega Event participants. There are hundreds of cachers to meet and more than 1000 active geocaches within a radius of 30 km!

Viestit: 741
Liittynyt: Ma 05.10.2009 21:29

Re: TARKASTAJAT: Mega-Event ikoni Suurelta Sammakolta

Viesti Kirjoittaja Tilhet » Pe 15.10.2010 17:51

Tässä on vähän muotoiltu versio kommentoitavaksi. stebun ehdottamien juttujen lisäksi tässä on tietoa myös liikenneyhteyksistä ja saavutettavuudesta -- miten ne olivatkaan unohtuneet first draftista :oops:

MEGA Finland 2011:
Geocaching in Tampere, 12 to 14 August

The first mega-sized geocaching event ever organised in Finland will be held in Tampere next summer. Geocachers and their families and friends from all over the world are warmly welcomed to join this extraordinary Nordic adventure!

Tampere is a city of more than 210 000 inhabitants and it is located in the middle of exceptionally beautiful natural surroundings with lakes and rapids connecting them. At the same time Tampere is also characterised by industrial background and milieu, high education and an atmosphere, where the vivacity of cultural attractions and businesses meets the cosyness of students' lifestyle. Here urban structures and layers meet the amazing Nordic nature at its best. In short, Tampere offers excellent environment for geocaching and all the other activities of the Mega Event participants. There are hundreds of cachers to meet and more than 1000 active geocaches within a radius of 30 km!

Tampere is easy to reach from all over the world. The international Tampere-Pirkkala Airport is located only 17 kilometers from the city centre. There are several daily flights from numerous European cities. The main railway station with excellent connections to all the other major cities in Finland is located in the very heart of the city.

The main venue of the event will be a unique Geocaching Village just a few kilometers off the centre of the city. The Härmälä Camping Area is situated in a scenic environment beside the Pyhäjärvi lake. The whole area has been booked for the Mega-Event.

In the GC Village there are more than one hundred small cabins, each of which has room from two to five guests. In addition, there is a Summer hotel with both single and double rooms. Those who are travelling with a caravan or a camper – or just with a tent – will certainly find a nice spot among the hundreds of caravan and tent spaces in the village.

The organisers have made special arrangements also with three other hotels and hostels offering resonably priced accommodation.

As a rule, all the guests should make their own reservation and all monetary transactions concerning accommodation will take place between the guests and the mentioned accommodation companies.

Mid-August is the highest tourist season in Tampere and the organisers encourage everybody to make their reservations as early as possible. For sure, the cabins and the Summer hotel in the Ceocaching village will be fully booked first.

During the Mega-Event weekend there will be a huge number of organised activities from parties to presentations and from saunas to cruises. The well-being of the youngest cachers will be especially well taken care of. Naturally, the organisers will provide the guests also with many recommended geocaching routes prepared in advance to meet different kinds of tastes and interests.

A more detailed programme as well as a website with the registration forms will be published in xxxx. The registration fee will xxxx In the meantime, please feel free to contact the organising teams through the profile link!

Although the official language of the event is English, in due course the essential information will be provided also in Finnish and Swedish in addition to numerous foreign languages, such as Estonian, German and Russian.

Once again and on behalf the great organising teams and all the volunteers: Welcome to Mega-Event in Tampere!

Vastaa Viestiin

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